Pre Wedding of Yong Loi & Bee Yian

You have got to agree, fun is an important element in life. Yes, in life. We’re not talking merely about a concept of a photography session, but a crucial ingredient to making humans life that much better.


At the mention of the word ‘fun’, probably a lot of things come to your mind. It could be an enjoyable activity, a good time, sharing laughs, or anything that is good for your mental well being, physical health and stress repellent. Fun is also about spending time with the people you love, those you genuinely like.


To us, having fun is a part of daily habits. This is not to say that there is a lack of seriousness when we do what we do, not at all. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of it. Having fun in our work means satisfying our fundamental needs, bonding with people, presenting something that is beautiful, and ultimately delivering satisfaction to people around us.


It is a lot about appreciation and giving back to our surroundings. It’s not always about having fun, but giving fun. Because if there’s anything that doubles when share, it’s gotta be fun and love. Take Yong Loi & Bee Yian for example, our couple who pretty much living in the midst of one very fun Hollywood Bridal session with us.


So today, learn to have fun at its most capacity. Not in a reckless way, but putting the spark of enjoyment, a dose of happiness, and a ray of light in whatever you do, wherever you go, or whomever you spend time with.



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